Super Rare Games Knows How To Save Physical Games Media

Over the last year or so, the future of regular physical video game releases is clear. There really isn’t one. More and more evidence is pointing towards a digital-only future and many people are upset. The fact is that physical game releases need to change. Fortunately, Super Rare Games are already showing just what game publishers should do to keep physical media sales alive.

Just one example of Super Rare Games making physical games exciting again!

Before we move on, let’s be clear about that stats surrounding physical game releases. In 2023, Sony reported that only 4% of its record-breaking Quarter 2 revenue came from physical game sales, and that this sales category was also shrinking year-on-year. Further evidence lies in the fact that more and more massive store chains are getting out of the physical games market.

Best Buy, a huge store system in America, are aiming to stop stocking physical games and media this year. GAME, the UK high street video games retailer, are going to stop accepting trade-ins to reduce their physical stock burden as it isn’t selling, or profitabel enough, for them. It is clear that the market is not looking at physical media as the primary method of purchase anymore. In fact, very few are using it at all. You can’t deny it.

There are, of course, several reasons for this. The ease of digital downloads is a huge one. The wider availibility of high speed internet to facilitate downloads is another. However, in my opinion, the biggest reason is that physical releases are just boring these days. They have just become a case to hold a disc or cartridge. You used to get a manual with illustrations and cool info but that went ages ago. Luckily, Super Rare Games continue to show they know how to sell physical games.

The Monster Camp XXL continues the trend of awesome packaging with collectibles inside.

What Super Rare Games have shown now, for some time, is that physical games need to be made special again. You need to give the gamer a reason to buy physical, take up space on their shelving, and delay them playing the game until it arrives (beside the games preservation arguement which the average gamer is not thinking about). There has to be something special about what they are getting.

Super Rare Games does this and they sell out of their limited runs of physical games. When you order from Super Rare Games, you are getting an experience and not just awesome games. Take, for example, the copy of Ship of Fools they recently sent me.

The game came packaged with a beautiful Ship of Fools specific seal and, inside that wrapping, was the game, some stickers (including on the Ship of Fools ones for my own use), and some collectible trading cards that are designed especially for each physical release. Already, there was more than enough reason to validate buying this.

Digging further in, the box art was sublime and the inside cover was even more gorgeous. I am an absolute sucker for reversible covers on game cases as it can turn a boring shelf of game boxes into an artwork. I immediately reversed the cover on Ship of Fools, just as I did with Lil’ Gator Game. Even better, the manual for the game was gorgeously put together. Not only containing the controls, it has information on the game world, characters, lore, and more. It was an absolute joy just to read through it.

I could have bought Ship of Fools digitally a while ago. I would have has good reason to – it is a chaotic, co-operative, seafaring roguelite that is just constantly fun to play and can be played solo. I have enjoyed every second I have played of it. If I had bought it digitally though, look at what I would have missed out on. That is the point I am making about what physical releases need to be; getting this incredible physical package from Super Rare Games made me glad I didn’t go digital. I would have regretted it if I had.

If we are going to continue to have any physical games media market, it needs to evolve. It can;t just be a physical alternative, it has to be a great offering. Publishers need to make me want physical over digital and they cant do that with DLC codes or exclusive in-game items. They need to make the physical product special, not just a carrier for the thing they want to give me.

…getting this incredible physical package from Super Rare Games made me glad I didn’t go digital. I would have regretted it if I had.

Put simply, if people want to know how to save the physical games market, just ask Super Rare Games. They already have the answer.

[GameOrNought was sent a copy of Ship of Fools for review or content purposes]

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